Child Custody Lawyers in Newton, MA Serving Greater Boston

Child CustodyChild custody is a sensitive issue for separating or divorcing parents. Emotions run high in custody disputes as each parent seeks to maintain their relationship with their child. On top of that, child custody laws can be difficult to navigate, and most of all, the welfare of the child is on the line. As a loving parent, it’s wise for you to enlist a child custody lawyer to secure the best interests of your child as well as your parental rights.

In Middlesex County, Suffolk County, and all of Greater Boston reach out to a child custody attorney at Goldman Law, LLC. Our lawyers are top-rated in Family Law cases and have over 25 years of combined experience. They aggressively fight for favorable outcomes for each parent they represent. At the same time, our entire team is known for sympathetic treatment of our clients, helping ease the stress of their delicate Family Law case.

When you work with Goldman Law, we will:

  • Advocate for the best interests of your child including your parental rights
  • Protect you from unfair tactics that may be used by the other party
  • Strive to resolve the dispute as peacefully and quickly as possible, minimizing the emotional impact on your child.

Talk to Goldman Law, LLC in a confidential consultation. Call us today at (617) 668-1718.

What You Need to Know About Massachusetts Child Custody

If possible, it’s ideal for two parents to come to an agreement about how to raise their child after divorce or separation. They can outline their individual rights and responsibilities as parents, their parenting plan, and their parenting time (visitation) arrangements. Once they have a written agreement, they can submit it for the court’s approval. If you are trying to work out an agreement with the other parent, get the guidance of an experienced Family Law attorney.

However, in many cases, the two parents cannot agree between themselves regarding child custody. In such a case, the Massachusetts Probate & Family Court will make the decisions. In determining child custody, its main standard is the “best interests of the child” where the child(ren)’s happiness and welfare are considered paramount. 

There are two types of child custody in Massachusetts: legal custody, which makes one parent the decision-making authority for the child, and physical custody, referring to the parent with whom the child principally lives. The court decides on both issues in each custody case.

If your child custody claim is highly contested, it’s essential to have a child custody lawyer to advise and represent you.

How does the court decide who gets legal custody of a child?

In terms of legal decision-making, the court presumes that it’s in the child’s best interests for both parents to have shared custody. Hence, the majority of cases result in joint legal custody. This means that both parents will have legal authority to decide on the child’s healthcare and education, for example.

A few exceptions occur where the court grants sole legal custody to just one parent. This can happen when the other parent has had significant misconduct such as abuse or neglect of the child. It can also happen when one parent has been the predominant caretaker of the child and claims that the other parent is not suited to make parenting decisions. This claim will be up for argumentation, and a competent lawyer will be indispensable in convincing the judge.

How does the court decide who gets physical custody of a child?

The biggest questions in physical custody are: With which parent should the child live? Should both parents get equal parenting time, or should one parent get sole physical custody? If one parent is the sole custodian, how much parenting time (visitation) should the other get?

Unlike with legal custody, the court does not presume that both parents should get joint physical custody. Most cases in Massachusetts result in one parent becoming the custodial parent with whom the child spends two-thirds or more of their time. The other parent may then have parenting time or visitation, unless the court decides it is not appropriate.

Massachusetts judges have broad discretion in determining physical custody. The main standard is still the child’s best interests, and to assess that, the judge will look at many factors including:

  • The child’s daily routine and schedules
  • The child’s ties to the community(clubs, church, sports, etc.)
  • Each parent’s history of caring for the child
  • Each parent’s home environment
  • Each parent’s financial standing
  • Whether the parents are willing to cooperate with each other
  • The child’s preference (the judge will consider the wishes of older children like teenagers).

If your child’s physical custody is contested, you’ll need the help of an experienced lawyer to convince the court that you are best suited to physically care for your child.

How Our Top-Rated Child Custody Lawyers Can Help

The attorneys at Goldman Law, LLC are highly experienced in child custody cases, even in complex disputes. Our service is two-fold: we aggressively fight for the most favorable results in your custody case, while providing you with personalized attention during the process.

Preparing Your Strongest Case

When you work with us at Goldman Law, we build your case way before the trial starts. We help you gather the paperwork to help convince the court, such as your financial records. We also guide you on creating a home environment that would be suitable for your child, to show the court you are ready to raise your little one under your roof.

Bolstering Your Claim

To present a compelling argument to the court that your parental rights should remain intact, we meticulously compile evidence that supports your capacity as a parent. We bolster that with testimonies from other adults surrounding your child’s life, as well as from experts on child custody. We can bring on custody evaluators, child development specialists, life planners, and even financial advisors who can support your claim.

Child Custody in Various Situations

Goldman Law competently handles child custody disputes in a variety of situations, such as:

  • Child custody in a divorce case
  • Child custody between unmarried parents
  • Child relocation
  • Child custody between LGBTQ couples
  • Grandparents’ rights to seek child custody
  • Child custody violations and enforcement
  • And more.

No matter how complicated or unique your family circumstances are, we are ready to listen and help you find your best strategy going forward.

Contact Goldman Law – Top-rated Child Custody Lawyers in Boston

With an office in Newton, MA, Goldman Law, LLC serves Middlesex County, Suffolk County, and all of Greater Boston. Call us today at (617) 668-1718.