Divorce Mediators in Newton, MA Serving Greater Boston

Divorce Mediators in Newton, MA Serving Greater BostonThough divorce has a reputation of being an antagonistic process, it’s possible to find a positive, cost-effective resolution without going through a stressful trial. One of the most preferred methods to do this is via divorce mediation, a process where both parties try to resolve their disputed matters with the help of a mediator.

In the Greater Boston area, the experienced mediators at Goldman Law, LLC are ready to help resolve your divorce disputes in a more peaceful way. Our mediation service stands out, providing advantages to our clients:

  • Smoother, easier process. Our mediators are perceptive to human dynamics and can facilitate marital discussions without hostility. This is an advantage for any couple but especially for those with children who shouldn’t have to suffer a strenuous divorce battle.
  • Favorable results. Mediators in general want fair and equitable outcomes, but we at Goldman Law aim further for results that are as close to your ideal scenario as possible.
  • Smart decisions. Not only are our mediators certified, they also have a legal background that empowers our clients to make strategic, legally sound decisions.
  • Save time and money. Our mediator fees are much lower than you would spend in a lengthy and costly courtroom trial. We are capable of concluding mediation in a few sessions without much of the legal hassle associated with divorce.

Talk to us about your marital situation and see how our mediation can help. Call Goldman Law at (617) 668-1718.

What is Mediation? Definition and Benefits

Mediation is an out-of-court process where a neutral party called a mediator facilitates dispute resolution between a couple. Unlike a judge, the mediator does not make decisions but instead helps the two spouses communicate better with each other, with the goal of reaching an agreement. When the spouses have created an agreement, they can submit it to the court so the judge can approve it as their official divorce decree.

Compared to divorce litigation, mediation is widely regarded as the preferable method for divorce because it offers a host of benefits:

  • It’s less antagonistic and encourages calmness to prevail, allowing rational discussions and a more amicable aftermath.
  • Both parties get to control the outcome instead of having the judge decide.
  • Children don’t have to be dragged through a contentious court battle, minimizing the emotional or psychological impact of the divorce on them.
  • Spouses can finalize their divorce faster and for less cost.
  • The resulting agreement caters to the preferences of both parties, resulting in high satisfaction.
  • The whole process is confidential, whereas a court trial is a matter of public record.

The Massachusetts Probate & Family Court recognizes mediation as a form of alternative dispute resolution, and mediation results can be legally binding. Judges often encourage divorcing couples to try mediation before proceeding to litigation. However, there are a few cases where mediation may not be an appropriate option. For instance, if there is an imbalance of power or domestic abuse between the spouses, it would not be a good idea for them to mediate.

Ask us at Goldman Law about how mediation can help your divorce situation. Your consultation with us will be confidential as well.


Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts

How much does divorce mediation cost?

Depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of both parties to cooperate, divorce mediation typically costs $300 per hour.  The total bill will be divided equally between the two parties. In addition, it’s possible to further lower the cost if both spouses are readily agreeable towards each other.

What about county or state mediators?

Each county in Massachusetts has approved mediation programs which couples may avail for a fee. However, many couples still opt for private mediators whom they regard as superior to state or county providers.

At Goldman Law, our clients enjoy certain advantages from our private mediation. One, we have the capacity to dedicate ample time for each couple we serve. We don’t rush our sessions or make our clients feel like they have to decide quickly.

Another advantage is that our certified mediators are also Family Law attorneys. Their know-how helps identify legal loopholes and areas where agreements fall apart. With that, they guide couples to create solid agreements that are smart for both parties.

What issues can be mediated?

Most civil issues can be mediated. When it comes to divorce, spouses may mediate specific disputes such as:

  • Property division/Debt division
  • Alimony
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Parenting time (visitation)
  • Child relocation
  • Grandparents’ rights
  • And more.

How does the mediation process work?

Divorce mediation typically starts with a meeting where the mediator enumerates the specific issues that the couple needs to resolve. After this, the couple will attend subsequent sessions where they discuss their potential solutions as well as adjustments they’re willing to make. Sessions can be in person or via video conferencing, depending on the situation. The mediator will facilitate all sessions, helping clarify communication and easing any tension that comes up.

If the mediation is successful, the spouses will have come up with agreements on their disputed matters. Our mediators at Goldman Law also help clients write these decisions in a Matrimonial Settlement Agreement and submit it to the judge for finalization.

Can we mediate even after I’ve filed for divorce?

Yes, you can start the mediation process at any point in the divorce process, as long as the judge has not given the final order yet. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Goldman Law mediators to see how you and your spouse can begin mediation.

Can we mediate before filing for divorce?

Yes – in fact, mediating before filing is one way to shorten your divorce process. If you hire a mediator from Goldman Law, you’ll have our assistance every step of the way: from the disclosure process, to drafting agreements, to filing the correct and complete paperwork. You may be able to finalize your divorce with just one or two brief appearances in court.

How do we choose a mediator?

Both you and your spouse will choose your mediator together. Look for a certified mediator with experience, a trusted track record, and proven legal knowledge. At Goldman Law, our mediators have over 25 years of combined experience and have earned top ratings from clients as well as various legal bodies. Among our honors is being named Clients’ Choice for Divorce cases, awarded by independent lawyer review site Avvo.

Contact Goldman Law – Trusted Divorce Mediators in Boston

Goldman Law, LLC is based in Newton, MA and serves Middlesex County, Suffolk County, and all of Greater Boston. Schedule your confidential consultation with us. Call us at (617) 668-1718.